Individual Background Checks

A background check includes an employer’s verification of a candidate’s Social Security number and name, including legal name changes. It may also include a driver’s record and education verifications.


County or federal civil searches provide insight into a candidate’s legal history beyond criminal records, such as bankruptcy, liens, and judgments. However, a background check must adhere to laws that protect candidates from discrimination on the basis of arrest or conviction records.

Identity Confirmation

While it may seem like a basic step, identity confirmation is an important way to verify the ind 서울흥신소 ividual’s identity prior to conducting any searches. This is important because there are a number of things that can cause inaccurate background checks, including mismatched information, false identities and even criminal records attributed to the wrong people.

These errors can occur when an employer or landlord uses an applicant’s unique personal identifiers, such as their Social Security number, date of birth or address, in their background check and fails to ensure that the information matches that person. This is an extremely common mistake that leads to unnecessary adverse action in hiring and housing applications.

Identity verification can help prevent these problems by using a combination of sources to confirm that the candidate’s name and date of birth are correct. This can include a live video proofing call with an authorized source or the use of online and digitized identity verification services. In addition, it can also provide a list of potential names that might be used by the candidate (such as nicknames or maiden names) and allow for expanded searches to find any additional records that may be reported under those aliases.

Criminal Hist 서울흥신소 ory

In the United States, criminal records detail arrests and convictions. These records are typically reported to the federal government via local, county law enforcement agencies and court proceedings. The FBI indexes these records as part of the Interstate Identification Index (III).

State RAP sheets, formally known as summary criminal histories, record each time an individual is fingerprinted by law enforcement. They list the date and charges of each crime, as well as any final disposition—including dismissals and verdicts not guilty.

Most states allow individuals to request their own criminal history. However, for an employer to access this information, they must sign a consent form or have a legal right to do so. Some employers include a question on job applications asking applicants whether they have ever been arrested. But asking about a previous arrest can be illegal and should be avoided, as it could lead to discrimination. Instead, many thoughtful employers are removing this question from their job applications altogether. This is part of an initiative called “ban the box,” which advocates for fairness and privacy in employment applications.

Employment History

Employment verification is a common element of background checks that are conducted for candidates in many industries. This typically entails confirming prior employers, job titles and duties, dates of employment, and stated reasons for departure. It also often includes a salary history if that is pertinent to the job.

The best way to confirm this information is to contact former employers directly or through the human resources department. This is done to ensure the accuracy of the information and to avoid any potential legal issues. It is important to note that there are certain laws and regulations regarding the disclosure of this information, especially if it may be considered discriminatory against an applicant.

This type of background check is especially important in fields where it can affect a person’s ability to get licensed or certified, such as banking and healthcare. It allows for a more complete picture of an individual’s experience and can reduce the chance of hiring unethical or dishonest employees. It can also help to spot inaccurate or incomplete information on a resume or job application.

Credit History

As an employer, it’s important to get a clear picture of your candidate’s financial stability. That’s why some background checks include a credit check to see how candidates have handled their own money in the past. This can be especially helpful if your candidate will have access to financial data or large sums of cash in their role.

A credit history can reveal things like bankruptcy filings, debt-to-credit ratio, late payments or accounts in collections. This information can give employers confidence in hiring someone for a position that requires responsibility, such as management or roles that handle money.

Often, a credit check is run as a soft inquiry, meaning it won’t affect your credit score. However, some states have laws that require employers to obtain written consent from job applicants before running a credit report as part of a background check.


A reference check is a way to confirm an individual’s background through professional contacts. These are typically former bosses, coworkers and professional mentors who can provide anecdotal information about an applicant’s performance and work ethic. Reference checks also help inform comprehensive background checks by providing confirmation of job-related details not covered in other records.

Choose your references wisely. The people you select should be able to offer insight into your skills and work ethic, and they should be a good fit for the position you’re applying for. You should avoid listing family members as professional references, because they may be less objective.

Before you request a reference, be sure to clarify how the person will be contacted. In addition, be aware that some states and cities have laws that prohibit employers from asking certain questions about an individual’s age, religion, national origin, family status or other personal details. If you’re concerned that your inquiries might violate these restrictions, Core HR can verify educational credentials for your finalist. This process is quick and easy, and it can ensure that any information a candidate provides in their application, resume or interview is accurate.